Name The Technique Used To Separate A Soluble Solid From A Solution.
Name The Technique Used To Separate A Soluble Solid From A Solution.
When we have a mixture of a soluble solid and a liquid, we can use different techniques to separate them. One of the most common techniques is **filtration**. Filtration is a process where a mixture is passed through a filter material with pores of a certain size. The particles of the solid are too large to pass through the filter, so they are retained on the filter while the liquid passes through .
Another technique that can be used is **crystallization**. This involves evaporating the solution to a much smaller volume and then leaving it to cool. As the solution cools, crystals of the solid form and can be separated from the remaining liquid .
**Evaporation** is another method that can be used to separate a solid (solute) from a homogeneous solution. In this method, the solution is heated until the solvent gets evaporated in the form of vapor and the solute is left behind as residue .
In summary, there are different techniques that can be used to separate a soluble solid from a solution. Filtration is one of the most common techniques used for this purpose. Crystallization and evaporation are other methods that can also be used.
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