You See A Motorboat Approaching On Your Right. What Action Should You Take?


You See A Motorboat Approaching On Your Right. What Action Should You Take?

When you are boating, it is important to know the right of way rules to avoid accidents. One of the most important rules is what to do when you see a motorboat approaching on your right. In this article, we will discuss what action you should take when you see a motorboat approaching on your right.

When you see a motorboat approaching on your right, you should slow down and give way to the boat. The approaching boat must also take early and substantial action to avoid your boat by reducing its speed and changing direction. The vessel on the right always has the right of way.

It is important to note that when two power vessels are approaching head-on, both vessels should alter course to starboard to pass port-side to port-side. When two power-driven vessels are in crossing situation on a collision course, give way to the vessel to starboard (right).

In summary, if you see a motorboat approaching on your right, slow down and give way to the boat. The vessel on the right always has the right of way. When two power vessels are approaching head-on, both vessels should alter course to starboard to pass port-side to port-side. When two power-driven vessels are in crossing situation on a collision course, give way to the vessel to starboard (right).

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