How Many Letters In The Greek Alphabet


The Greek alphabet was developed around 1000 BCE based on the Phoenician's North Semitic Alphabet. It contains 24 letters including seven vowels, and all of its letters are capitals . The uppercase and lowercase forms of the 24 letters are :

- Α α (alpha)
- Β β (beta)
- Γ γ (gamma)
- Δ δ (delta)
- Ε ε (epsilon)
- Ζ ζ (zeta)
- Η η (eta)
- Θ θ (theta)
- Ι ι (iota)
- Κ κ (kappa)
- Λ λ (lambda)
- Μ μ (mu)
- Ν ν (nu)
- Ξ ξ (xi)
- Ο ο (omicron)
- Π π (pi)
- Ρ ρ (rho)
- Σ σ/ς (sigma)
- Τ τ (tau)
- Υ υ/ϒ ϒ (upsilon)
- Φ φ (phi)
- Χ χ (chi)
- Ψ ψ (psi)
- Ω ω (omega)

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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