Where Do Crepes Originate From?


Crepes are a type of pancake that originated in France around Brittany in the 13th century . In French folklore, there is a tale that the crepe's origin was born of a “happy accident,” when a 13th-century housewife in Brittany accidentally spilled some buckwheat porridge from a kettle in the fireplace onto a flat cooking stone. However, other sources put crepes much earlier on the timeline.

Crepes originally used buckwheat flour, a relatively new ingredient in Europe at the time. The French term crêpe derives from crispa, the feminine version of the Latin word crispus, which means curled, wrinkled, having curly hair.

Here is a list of websites that discuss Where Do Crepes Originate From?:
- [Institute of Culinary Education](https://www.ice.edu/blog/french-crepes)
- [Dali Crepes](https://dalicrepes.com/blog/where-are-crepes-from)
- [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cr%C3%AApe)
- [CREPEMAKER](https://www.crepemaker.com/history-of-the-crepe/)


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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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