Which Gas Would You Test For With A Lighted Splint? Give The Full Name, Not The Symbol.
Which Gas Would You Test For With A Lighted Splint? Give The Full Name, Not The Symbol.
When you light a splint and put it into a gas, the splint will either burn brightly or go out. This is because some gases are flammable and others are not. If the gas is flammable, it will burn brightly and if it is not flammable, it will go out.
There are three gases that you can test for using a lighted splint: hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Hydrogen gas burns with a ‘pop’ sound and extinguishes the lighted splint. Oxygen gas relights the glowing splint. Carbon dioxide gas extinguishes the lighted splint as it does not support combustion.
It is important to note that when testing for hydrogen gas, you should only use small quantities of hydrogen gas (e.g., collected in a test tube) as it is highly flammable.
Here are some websites that discuss Which Gas Would You Test For With A Lighted Splint? Give The Full Name, Not The Symbol.:
1. https://chemiscience.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/test-for-oxygen-hydrogen-and-carbon-dioxide/
2. https://teacherscollegesj.org/why-does-hydrogen-pop-with-a-lighted-splint/
3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z6dtgwx/revision/1
4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zcxmfcw/revision/3
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVVTnLnktPw
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